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Our L-arginine is a natural, simple amino acid that leads the list of the most versatile in terms of properties and metabolic functions. It is popular among bodybuilders to promote blood flow to the muscles for a better workout.


What is L-Arginine? -

Arginine is one of the amino acids Precursor of nitric oxide. It is also involved in the synthesis of polyamines, glutamate, proline, agmatine, urea and creatine.
Countless studies have been carried out on humans and animals, showing that the exogenous supply of L-arginine can produce beneficial pharmacological effects. Thus, arginine plays a fundamental role in a series of cellular functions, serving to grow muscle and reduce fat. Moreover, it detoxifies the liver and promotes the optimal functioning of the immune system.

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In what cases is its intake recommended?

There are so many cases for which you must utilize our L-arginine formula. Here is a list of the most interesting ones. Take L-Arginine in case you intend to achieve effects on:
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Blood vessel dysfunction (endothelial dysfunction)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Male fertility disorders
  • Glaucoma
  • Immune system disorders
  • Diabetes
  • High-Performance sports
  • Acidification of the body
  • Reduction of nitric oxide formation
  • Maintaining healthy sexual function

Benefits and properties of L-arginine

L-arginine is a key substance for the proper functioning of our body and provides a series of benefits, many of them related to its function as a vasodilator. In high doses, it seems to relieve symptoms of angina pectoris. It also has positive effects on healthy people with slightly elevated blood pressure.
The sexual properties of L-arginine are proven, as it improves sexual function and fertility. In men, it increases the number and motility of sperm and provides more testosterone. In women, it increases the functionality of the ovum and sexual desire.
  • Promotes the production of growth hormones.
  • It helps to stop age-related memory loss thanks to its “anti-aging” action.
  • It decreases the risk of infections, improves healing, and shortens recovery time after surgery.
  • It favors muscle mass development and recovery when playing sports, as it eliminates ammonia from muscle tissue after exertion, converted into urea through urine. It also helps reduce body fat levels.
  • Improves insulin response and circulatory function in diabetics.
  • Strengthens hair and prevents its fall.
Buy L Arginine
Buy L Arginine


Its role is essential for many functions in our body, as it acts as a vasodilator, favors the production of lymphocytes and increases performance and sexual desire. This amino acid is found in many foods, from fish and meat to fruits and vegetables. Our L-Arginine formula helps the muscle to recover in a short time from physical effort.

Its main function is to be a precursor of nitric oxide, which promotes vasodilation. Besides, it makes the blood transport more nutrients and oxygen. Many athletes and bodybuilders use our supplement in their training sessions.
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Reflecting our practical sense, it's made up of products that are ‘simple', mostly single-ingredient

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